The above picture shows the consecutive headlines of the Bangkok Post from April 7 (There'll Be No Force)-today, the 11th (The Battle For Bangkok). Hmmm.
The picture is so very Thai, with the red shirts putting monks on the front line against the oncoming line of soldiers with shields. It would be very unlikely for anyone to cross a monk here in this devoutly religious Buddhist country. So, the military had their women go to the front lines. Since monks can't touch a woman (if they do, a very involved purifying ceremony must ensue), the monks retreated. Score one for the government.
There have been many strange moments like this in the stalemate leading up to yesterdays confrontation. People here are praying for peace. A lot of fingers crossed (actually they don't know what that means - I asked today), or the Thai equivalent.
There are no problems in Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai is a predominently red shirt town. There have been no protests, no violence. Everyone happy happy, sabai, sabai. No prom-plem. Life goes on as normal. Songkran will go on as normal and people will celebrate and have a good time in the way Thai people do.
The only problem is in a small section of Bangkok, so even Bangkok is not a problem as long as you stay away from the protest sites. As horrible as yesterday was, it's magnified a million times by the media making it seem like the country is on fire. Maybe a millionth of the country is on fire. Something like that. And hopefully they come to a resolution shortly and move on. Time will tell. Let's all hope for a peaceful solution so all the protesters can come home to a dry shirt and some red pork and rice and take a little rest from the somtom!
Paul, that was an excellent post. Keep up the good work. Love, Me