Thousands of you (17,000 to be exact) attended the hot and steamy Veggie Fest in Naperville on August 8th and 9th, hopefully you did not forget to stop by the Chicago School of Thai Massage booth for a demo of Thai bodywork, chat with us, and pick up the brochure about the 6 month programs offered by the school. Several CSTM graduates braved the sweltering August heat (mostly cloudy, but no rain) to meet and greet you. Terry Wohl, Amanda Montano, Michelle Tupko & Lauren Daniel were there representing the Winter 2009 class. We welcomed your inquiries and questions around how Thai Yoga Massage is different from traditional table massage, (Thai massage is performed with the client clothed and on a mat, and we were always ready to let you experience it for yourself. 15 minutes for $20
Thanks to all of you for making this event a success!
2009 Veggie Fest was hosted by Science of Spirituality Meditation center in Naperville, IL
A family event which featured a children's area, vegetarian food, holistic health information and demos, lectures, meditation, live music and an assortment of vendors.
We hope you will join us for our next event! Check out the website for programs and workshops: for more information.